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The Truth About Business Numbers: Debunking Misconceptions

Leveraging Business Data: Debunking Common Myths

In today’s online world, we have a ton of information right at our fingertips—from what people do online to what customers like.

With all this information, businesses have a great chance to grow and try new things. But many don’t make the most of this opportunity. Why?

The Current State of Data Usage in Small Businesses

A recent report by the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) revealed an intriguing disparity. While 51% of small business owners acknowledge the critical importance of data, only 45% actively engage in data analysis. This stark gap indicates that a whopping 55% might be missing invaluable insights!

So, what’s causing this disconnect? Misconceptions about business data. Today, we aim to address these misconceptions head-on by debunking seven prevailing myths.

Myth 1: Intuition Over Numbers

“I don’t need to track my numbers because I can just ‘feel’ how my business is doing.”

Trusting your gut is good, but in business, just going by feeling can be risky. Using data gives clear facts, showing things you might miss by just guessing.

With data, you can see how you’re doing, check if your plans are working, and make changes if needed.

Think about it: combining what you feel with what data shows can be a strong plan. Even if you know your business well, data can point out chances to grow you didn’t see. So, trust your gut, but also use the facts to make informed choices.

Myth 2: Time Constraints in Tracking

“Tracking my numbers is too time-consuming.”

Time is gold, but investing some of it in tracking your metrics is essential for your business’s growth.

Diving into your data consistently helps in shaping informed strategies and improving your operations. To make things smoother, use automation tools. They can help with marketing, sales, CRM tasks, and analytics. With the right tools, the heavy lifting is done for you.

Concerned about spending too much time on numbers?

Yes, getting started might feel like a lot. But the knowledge you gain is priceless. Think of this time as an investment; it’ll benefit you in the future.

The beauty of modern tools is they make the process faster and efficient. They handle data gathering and reporting, so you can zero in on understanding and acting on that data.

Shift your perspective too. Instead of seeing number tracking as a chore, see it as your guide in decision-making. Your metrics have stories to tell. Just listen!

Still feeling pressed for time? Consider getting some help.

That’s why many of my clients come to me. They’re done spending hours on data collection. They want quick, clear insights to act on, whether it’s understanding the metrics or acting upon them.

For some, it’s about ditching manual tracking. For others, it’s about deeper analysis. Whatever your need, there’s a solution to give you more time and clarity. Need help? Please reach out! 

Myth 3: Complexity of Tracking

“Tracking my numbers is too complex.”

Start with the Essentials: Tracking numbers doesn’t have to be overwhelming. 

Identify the key metrics that directly impact your business objectives and focus on tracking those that provide insights that will move you closer to your goals. 

This targeted approach simplifies the process and allows you to concentrate on what really matters.

Now not everyone enjoys diving into numbers or analyzing data, and that’s okay. 

Remember that as much as you enjoy the main tasks you love to tackle in your business, there is someone out there who loves the numbers side of things! 

If you find tracking numbers complicated or they just really aren’t your thing, don’t hesitate to get support.

Another thing that can help make complex data less daunting is to visualize it effectively to make it more digestible. 

Visual representations like funnel flows and simple charts make it easier to grasp trends, patterns, and relationships within your data, simplifying the overall tracking and analysis process.

Myth 4: Financial Purpose Only

“Tracking is only necessary for financial reporting purposes.”

Financial tracking is pivotal, but limiting data to just financials overlooks its vast potential. From marketing, sales, and customer experience to operations, data plays an instrumental role in shaping various business facets.

  • Marketing: Understanding campaign effectiveness, monitoring website traffic, and gauging conversion rates.
  • Sales: Identifying top-performing products, refining sales processes, and boosting sales performance.
  • Customer Experience: Gauging customer satisfaction, analyzing their lifetime value, and improving response times.
  • Operations: Streamlining processes, identifying bottlenecks, and enhancing operational efficiency.


By monitoring these metrics, you can identify bottlenecks, streamline processes, and ensure operational efficiency.

You’ll start to clearly see areas of strength, weakness, and  areas for improvement.

Myth 5: Tech-Savvies Only

“Tracking numbers is only for people who are very tech-savvy.”

Many entrepreneurs believe they need a strong technical background to effectively track their numbers, but that’s not the case. 

There are numerous tools and resources available that make tracking accessible for all skill levels,  and you don’t have to be a tech wizard to leverage the power of data-driven decision-making. 

Many tracking tools offer user-friendly interfaces and provide automation features that simplify the process.

Automation capabilities offered by tracking tools allow you to streamline the data collection and reporting process. 

These tools automate the collection of relevant data, reducing the manual effort required. 

By integrating various systems and platforms, you can create a seamless flow of data, making tracking more efficient.

Integration capabilities allow you to connect different systems and platforms,  ensuring that data flows smoothly between them – eliminating manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. 

By leveraging integration capabilities, you can simplify the data flow and make tracking more seamless.

So, even if technology is not your forte, don’t let it discourage you from tracking your numbers. 

Embrace the available tools and resources, and focus on finding the simplest way to set up tracking that works for you. 

Remember, everyone has their own skills and brings different strengths to the table. 

Not every business owner is going to light up when it’s time to check on their numbers or set up the tech needed to make it easier to track. 

However, it doesn’t mean that tracking should be pushed to the back burner. 

Find support and get things set up in the simplest way possible so you can access all the information you need in the easiest way.

Myth 6: The 'No Impact' Belief

“Tracking my numbers won’t really make a difference in my business’s success.”

You can’t truly make decisions toward improvement if you have no idea where you’re starting. 

By tracking your numbers, you can pinpoint the patterns and trends that can help you make informed decision-making in your business.

Think about it this way: would you set off on a journey without a map or any sense of direction?

Probably not. 

Your business journey is no different. 

By tracking your numbers, you gain valuable insights that act as your compass, guiding you toward your goals.

Tracking your numbers allows you to prioritize your efforts and focus on what’s working. 

It helps you identify areas for improvement, spend your resources more effectively, and make data-driven decisions that can lead to increased success. 

So, don’t underestimate the power of tracking your numbers—it can be a game-changer for your business.

Myth 7: My Business Isn't Big Enough

“Tracking my numbers is only important for big businesses.”

Tracking your numbers is essential for businesses of all sizes, including small ones. In fact, tracking your numbers can be especially important for small businesses that need to make every decision count.

Most businesses, regardless of their size, have similar goals: serving their clients or customers well, doing work with excellence, contributing to society, and making a profit.

While the dollar amounts for budgets or team size may vary, the numbers still provide your baseline and indicate the way forward to your goals. 

Whether your business is generating $20,000 per month or $100,000 per month or $10 million dollars a month, tracking your numbers is crucial for understanding your business’s performance, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed decisions.

Small businesses, in particular, often face a delicate balance between limited time and financial resources. 

Tracking your numbers allows you to allocate those resources effectively, ensuring that every decision you make counts toward your business’s success.

Plus –  small businesses have the advantage of agility and flexibility. 

By tracking your numbers, you can quickly adapt your strategies, seize opportunities, and navigate challenges with greater confidence.


Numbers, while maybe not the most exciting part of your business, carry the transformative power to redefine business trajectories. By making informed, data-backed decisions, businesses can unlock new avenues of growth, sustainability, and innovation.

For those eager to dig deeper, my video, “Making Sense of Business Data,” offers a guide on harnessing data to its full potential. 

Stay informed, stay ahead, and let data steer your business voyage. See you next time!

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Hi! I'm Kari!

Building a business is incredibly rewarding and can allow you to enjoy an incredible amount of freedom! I love supporting business owners as they step out of overwhelm and into their role as CEO. 

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